One Script Terminal Setup - Debian

Published on: Sun, 28 Jan 2024

In this short post we’ll setup terminal for Debian based systems.

To use one script Debian terminal environment setup please visit amit-raut/One-Script-Terminal-Setup-Debian and clone the repository or download release v1.1

Once you grabbed the repository or the release content. then navigate to the directory that contains and other scripts.

The content of the repository have following script / configuration files:

  • aliases_func
  • vimrc
  • zshrc
  • This setup script needs Debian user with sudo privileges
Install Actions

The script will trigger following actions:

  • Update and upgrade debian packages
  • Installs following packages
    • vim
    • zsh
    • curl
    • fzf
    • build-essential
    • git
    • tmux
    • bat
  • Installs Oh My Zsh
  • Installs powerline10k ZSH theme
  • Copies zshrc, aliases_func files to user’s home directory
  • Installs vim plug Vim plugin manager
  • Copies vimrc to user’s home directory

Once is executed: - You’ll be prompted to enter in password (user need to have sudo privileges) - You’ll be asked to complete setup for powerline10k ZSH theme - Open vim (v can be used as aliases): - Enter :PlugInstall to install vim plugin

Following vim plugins will be installed by default (as part of vimrc in this repo):

  • vim-airline/vim-airline
  • vim-airline/vim-airline-themes
  • tpope/vim-characterize
  • scrooloose/nerdtree
  • junegunn/vim-easy-align
  • scrooloose/syntastic
  • tpope/vim-commentary
  • elzr/vim-json
  • dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode
  • tpope/vim-surround
  • ervandew/supertab
  • tpope/vim-commentary
  • othree/xml.vim
  • vimwiki/vimwiki
  • lilydjwg/colorizer
  • flazz/vim-colorschemes
  • xolox/vim-misc
  • xolox/vim-notes
  • chrisbra/unicode.vim
  • itchyny/calendar.vim

I hope you found this post helpful. Feel free to reach out to me if you have feedback.


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